art dealer tycoon


Be smart - sell your art: Know the artworks in your gallery well to be able to sell them to the right customers. Listen to requests and acquire appropriate artworks to sell them when customers return. Increase your assets!

This game was created during Tallinn University of Technology Summer School 2018 in the Course of Serious Game Design. It took one week, was designed with Construct 2 and already playable is the prototype of Level 1:

tom tiger

This learning game is based on a common listening task elementary pupils have to accomplish when learning how to read. They have to detect whether the given letter appears in the middle of the word, or if it is the first or last one. The entertaining part of this game consists of the collection of stars by jumping from cloud to cloud. Therefore, it is a platformer.

verb blast

This serious game is based on the idea of CandyCrush: The player has to change the position of sprites, in order to let them disappear. In this case the correct order of irregular verbs is needed. The score proves how many verbs the player managed to sort out. It is a typical puzzle game.

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